What to see

Contemporary Art

Contemporary Art in Town is the result of many projects during many years.
Particularly important are the installations of the project of 1994 "Affinità. Cinque artisti per San Gimignano" (Affinity. Five artists for San Gimignano) curated by Giuliano Briganti and Luisa Laureati. L.Fabro, E.Mattiacci, Nunzio, Paolini e J.Kounellis, looking for "affinity" with San Gimignano, have installed their works in five different places in San Gimignano where Middle Age and Contemporaneity enter into dialogue.
In the Rocca di Montestaffoli there is the sculpture by the Dutch artist Nic Jonk Sole e acqua (Water and Sunshine) (1988) and the Santa Caterina by G.Fieschi(2009). At the Piazzale Martiri di Montemaggio you may see the L'Albero delle Cannelle (The tree of spouts) (2011)
On the façade of the former Podestà's Palace there are 4 ceramic tiles about art and music that were realized 1999 by Silvia Beghé and Franco Balducci.

"Arte all'Arte. Arte Architettura Paesaggio" (Art to Art. Art Architecture Landscape) curated by the Association "Arte continua" since 1996 with collaboration of the municipality of San Gimignano and by the Province of Siena.
International artists like J. Kosuth, M.Airò, L.Rabbia, L.Cariello and A.Kapoor after studying this area territory have created a permanent installation in various places of the town.

Over the last few years, many other Italian and foreign contemporary artists (Beghè, Masini, Smith…) have enanched the cultural heritage of San Gimignano, thanks to their works of art and installations.