Artist Studio - Art Gallery in Tuscany

The artist's world has changed dramatically over the past two or three decades. Today, artists are much more likely to talk about concepts rather than composition. Some say that the artist's traditions are almost lost. Well, there is a corner in Tuscany where the traditions of art are jealously guarded by the artist Gordon Breckenridge, a Canadian based in Italy, born in 1948, graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence in 1975 and who still uses methods and traditions with a return to impressionism, as well as to light and color thanks also to 9 years of study and classical training in the important Florentine school of Nerina Simi founded by his father who had studied under Gerome in Paris in 1870. "We were all born with a mother: Miss Nerimi was my second mother, my art mother." After almost fifty years of painting "en plen air" with exhibitions and permanent collaboration with the "Art Gallery in Tuscany" in San Gimignano managed from his family today it is possible to find and visit the Artist directly in his studio and live an unforgettable experience. Over the years the artist has received many awards and his works can be found in over 500 private collections around the world, earning international recognition and appreciation. Inside the studio you can admire the original works on canvas but also its giclée reproductions or request personalized painting courses.
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Piazzale Martiri di Montemaggio, 1 53037 SAN GIMIGNANO
Mobile: +39 333 861 1635
Mobile: +39 347 485 5329
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