Pantani Arte San Gimignano

The one of Pantani Arte is a family-owned business in the field of art and wooden craftwork for over eightyfive years. In the mid-Thirties Gino Pantani, aged just ten, started to do his apprenticeship in a carpentry workshop in San Gimignano.In the Fifties he founded his own workshop, that became exclusive business whose wooden pieces of furniture were sold all over the world.
Later on he specialized in the production of frameworks and canvas for painting.
Nowadays the family tradition is handed over by his sons Alessandro and Massimo, who take care of the creative side, while his daughter Paola takes care of artistic, commercial and logistic aspects.
In the workshop you can find artistic picture frames, decorative pieces and wooden sculpture, innovative objects following the best Italian traditional techniques
There is also a large choice of oil paintings, original watercolours and illustrations for children To be mentioned in particular the printings from the original watercolours painted by Massimo Pantani, who originally depicts the story of Pinocchio, the wooden puppet from the well-known novel written by the Tuscan writer Carlo Collodi in the late nineteenth century The original sculptures by Alessandro Pantani are also very interesting and worth a mention. His panels, made of recycled wood, are inlaid landscapes of houses and castles, towers and hilltop towns, scenic miniatures inspired by the Tuscan landscapes. Another recurring theme in the imagination of Alessandro is the hot-air balloon, which he repeats over time using a mixed technique comprising acrylics, collage, gilding and drawing: any means are justified to achieve the desired effect, which is to convey all the magic and mystery surrounding such a fascinating flying object. You could say that the true subject of these paintings is amazement: the amazement felt at the sight of a hot-air balloon in the sky, the wonder when faced with such a strange and unexpected spectacle and the resulting sense of peace and reflection.

Via San Martino, 32 53037 SAN GIMIGNANO
Mobile: +39 349 774 3726
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